Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Konsumsi Sumber Zat Besi pada Ibu Hamil Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Majauleng Kecamatan Majauleng Kabupaten Wajo
(Factors Associated With the Consumption of Iron Resources in Pregnant Women in the Work Area Health Center District Majauleng Majauleng Wajo)
Pregnant women are vulnerable to anemia. Consumption of low iron causes about 50% of pregnant women in Indonesia, 80% in South Sulawesi, 25.8% in Wajo and 24.9% in the District Majauleng have iron deficiency anemia (Fe) are characterized by levels of hemoglobin (Hb) blood is less than 11 mg / dl
Pregnant women are vulnerable to anemia. Consumption of low iron causes about 50% of pregnant women in Indonesia, 80% in South Sulawesi, 25.8% in Wajo and 24.9% in the District Majauleng have iron deficiency anemia (Fe) are characterized by levels of hemoglobin (Hb) blood is less than 11 mg / dl