FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH LEPROSY PATIENTS irregularity FUDA Outpatient PUJANANTING Barru district health center
Leprosy is an infectious disease and has become endemic in the country of Indonesia as indicated by the prevalence of which tends to increase each year. On the working area of the District Health Center Pujananting Barru,
the incidence of leprosy is also likely to show an increase despite the decrease in its nature but is not significant. Leprosy elimination efforts will require the implementation of the totality of the various efforts to control leprosy so that health care services that are up on the lower level is expected to support the implementation of the program. Aspects of treatment ketidateraturan again become one of the problems to the success of leprosy elimination program. Therefore, researchers are interested in studying some of the factors that relate to and affect disorder patients treated in this study include patient education, attendant services, the availability of drugs, a distance of homes and drug side effects.
the incidence of leprosy is also likely to show an increase despite the decrease in its nature but is not significant. Leprosy elimination efforts will require the implementation of the totality of the various efforts to control leprosy so that health care services that are up on the lower level is expected to support the implementation of the program. Aspects of treatment ketidateraturan again become one of the problems to the success of leprosy elimination program. Therefore, researchers are interested in studying some of the factors that relate to and affect disorder patients treated in this study include patient education, attendant services, the availability of drugs, a distance of homes and drug side effects.
This type of observational research is the design of Cross Sectional Study which aims to analyze the factors of education, ministry officials, the availability of drugs, a distance of homes and drug side effects of medication irregularities lepers Pujananting outpatient health centers. The samples were all lepers who came for treatment and went to the clinic amounted to 35 people with taking the exhautive sampling method. Research data collection by conducting a live interview to the respondent (patient) who came to the clinic for treatment using the help of a questionnaire that contained closed questions.
Processing of research data using computer-assisted program Microsoft Excell 2003 Professional and SPSS for windows version 12.0 which is then presented in tabular form univariate frequency distributions and cross table bivariate analysis between the study variables with a written description. Analysis of test data using Chi square test and interpretation of data by calculating the ratio of the value of p (p value) and the alpha value (α = 0.05).
The results obtained show that there is no official relationship with the ministry of education and medical treatment of lepers irregularity, while the availability of medicines in health care, home range of patients and side effects of drugs influencing medical treatment of lepers there were irregularities.
The suggestions in the study was the need for discovery of new drugs with minimal side effects levels that can increase the persistence of the patient to take medication or undergo a regular basis, providing information about the treatment of leprosy in each patient needs to be taken into consideration so that the resulting awareness to carry out the routine treatment and continuous without drug withdrawal, patients who have a home range that is much more than a mile to reach the form of health care efforts is the provision of services on the circumference of leprosy patients with pengunjungan home by officers or by means of vehicles or the like so that each patient leprosy can carry out treatment on a regular basis.
Kusta merupakan penyakit menular dan telah menjadi endemis di negara Indonesia yang ditunjukkan dengan prevalensi yang cenderung meningkat tiap tahunnya. Pada wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pujananting Kabupaten Barru, kejadian kusta juga cenderung menunjukkan peningkatan meskipun mengalami penurunan tapi bukanlah hal yang sifatnya signifikan. Upaya eliminasi kusta secara totalitas menghendaki akan dilaksanakannya berbagai upaya penanggulangan kusta sehingga pelayanan kesehatan sampai pada pelayanan yang sifatnya dengan tingkat yang lebih rendah diharapkan dapat menunjang pelaksanaan program. Aspek ketidateraturan berobat lagi menjadi salah satu masalah terhadap keberhasilan program eliminasi kusta. Oleh sebab itu, peneliti merasa tertarik untuk meneliti beberapa faktor yang berhubungan dengan dan mempengaruhi ketidakteraturan berobat penderita yang pada penelitian ini mencakup pendidikan penderita, pelayanan petugas, ketersediaan obat, jarak rumah dan efek samping obat.
Jenis penelitian adalah observasional dengan rancangan Cross Sectional Study yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor pendidikan, pelayanan petugas, ketersediaan obat, jarak rumah dan efek samping obat terhadap ketidakteraturan berobat penderita kusta rawat jalan Puskesmas Pujananting. Sampel penelitian adalah seluruh penderita kusta yang datang berobat dan memeriksakan diri ke puskesmas berjumlah 35 orang dengan metode pengambilan secara exhautive sampling. Pengumpulan data penelitian dengan melaksanakan wawancara langsung kepada responden (penderita) yang datang berobat ke puskesmas menggunakan bantuan kuesioner yang berisikan pertanyaan tertutup.
Pengolahan data penelitian menggunakan bantuan komputer program Microsoft Excell Profesional 2003 dan SPSS for windows versi 12.0 yang kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi analisis univariat dan tabel silang antar variabel penelitian analisis bivariat disertai penjelasan. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi Square Test dan interpretasi data dengan memperhitungkan hasil perbandingan nilai p (p value) dan nilai alpha (α= 0,05).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan diperoleh bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan pendidikan dan pelayanan petugas dengan ketidakteraturan berobat penderita kusta, sedangkan ketersediaan obat di pelayanan kesehatan, jarak rumah penderita dan efek samping obat memberi pengaruh terdapat ketidakteraturan berobat penderita kusta.
Saran yang diajukan pada penelitian adalah perlunya penemuan obat baru dengan tingkat efek samping yang minimal sehingga dapat meningkatkan ketekunan penderita untuk mengkonsumsi atau menjalani pengobatan secara teratur, pemberian informasi tentang waktu pengobatan kusta pada setiap penderita perlu menjadi bahan pertimbangan sehingga timbul kesadaran untuk melaksanakan pengobatan secara rutin dan kontinyu tanpa putus obat, penderita yang memiliki jarak rumah yang jauh lebih dari 1 km untuk mencapai pelayanan kesehatan maka bentuk upaya yang dilakukan adalah dengan penyelenggaraan pelayanan penderita kusta secara keliling baik dengan pengunjungan rumah oleh petugas maupun dengan menggunakan sarana kendaraan ataupun sejenisnya sehingga setiap penderita kusta dapat melaksanakan pengobatannya secara rutin.
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