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Public Health Study

“An Analysis Level Of Pesticide Protactinium for Farmers Trouble Health On Bontolanra Village Galesong Utara Distric Kabupaten Takalar”

Pesticide can give benefit to improvement result of agro product but otherwise is applied wisely will give negative impact to environmental ecosystem is including man. Farmer is high risk group to incidence of the negativity impact as result of applying of working procedure that is less discipline. This research aim to analyse level of keterpaparan of pesticide to health trouble experienced by by farmer on Desa Bontolanra Kecamatan Galesong Utara Kabupaten Takalar.
Research type applied is observasional with Cross Sectional Study. Research analysis unit is health trouble and applying of working procedure with research subject is farmer’s on Desa Bontolanra Kecamatan Galesong Utara Kabupaten Takalar. Research data collecting by doing inspection of laboratory at blood sample and direct interview applies questionaire as instrument of research. Data analysis is done in univariat, bivariate and multivariat.
Result of research is obtained by reality that farmer which are positive experiences health trouble, 57,9 % is caused to applies election of ineligible pesticide type, 73,7 % because doing made technique which is ineligible, 73,7 % because applying ineligible hygiene procedure, 86,8 % because doesn't apply APD which is up to standard and election of pesticide type is higher level factor given influence to incidence of health trouble at farmer with level of risk generated is 24 times at election of type pestisdia which ineligible.
Suggestion submitted addressed at repair effort of information to farmer especially about election of pesticide type matching with OPT target, improvement of cooperation between officers sanitarian puskesmas and agriculture officer of countryside especially in giving of information about peramuan of pesticide and for research hereinafter to be able to study more circumstantially about presentation impact of pesticide with evaluating inspection of health of farmer which more comprehensive and circumstantial.


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