Kematian Perinatal
Hubungannya Dengan Faktor Praktek Kesehatan Ibu Selama Kehamilan Di Kota Bekasi
Infants mortality rate is one of
the sensitive indicators to evaluate health lever of a country. However
Perinatal Mortality Rate (PMR) as part of infant mortality rate did not show
any decline in the las ten period. The National Household Survey 1995 reported
that PMR was within 48 per 1000 life births. Mother and Child Health program
had promoted intensive antenatal health care to cover all pregnancies. The purpose
of this program is to improve
early detection of high risk pregnancies as well as to increase coverage of postnatal care of new borns. Perinatal mortality is influenced by several maternal health services, (antenatal care and delivery assistance), maternal health status, social-economic and environmental background, and traditional behaviour. The objective of this analysis is to find the relation between maternal health practice during pregnancy and perinatal mortality in city of Bekasi 2001. Mother’s age at delivery, educational level, parity, birth interval, smoking habit, pregnancy complication, and sex of the new born were calculated as covariates. Using case-control method, cases are mothers with perinatal deaths, and control are mothers with 7 days surviving new borns (83 case and 83 control). Based on a statistical analysis with logistic regression test the maternal health practice during pregnancy showed no significant relationship with perinatal mortality. Controlling birth interval, prgnancy complications and mother’s age at delivery, the odds ratio was OR = 2,3 (confidence interval 0,89 – 3,99) with p = 0,029 at 95% probability; which is not significant. The resuls may be caused by small sample size or poor quality health services.
early detection of high risk pregnancies as well as to increase coverage of postnatal care of new borns. Perinatal mortality is influenced by several maternal health services, (antenatal care and delivery assistance), maternal health status, social-economic and environmental background, and traditional behaviour. The objective of this analysis is to find the relation between maternal health practice during pregnancy and perinatal mortality in city of Bekasi 2001. Mother’s age at delivery, educational level, parity, birth interval, smoking habit, pregnancy complication, and sex of the new born were calculated as covariates. Using case-control method, cases are mothers with perinatal deaths, and control are mothers with 7 days surviving new borns (83 case and 83 control). Based on a statistical analysis with logistic regression test the maternal health practice during pregnancy showed no significant relationship with perinatal mortality. Controlling birth interval, prgnancy complications and mother’s age at delivery, the odds ratio was OR = 2,3 (confidence interval 0,89 – 3,99) with p = 0,029 at 95% probability; which is not significant. The resuls may be caused by small sample size or poor quality health services.
Key words : Perinatal Mortality, Maternal Health Practice,
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