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Download Skripsi Kesker-Hubungan Masa Kerja dengan Gangguan Kapasitas Vital Paru

Hubungan Antara Masa Kerja dengan Gangguan Kapasitas Vital Paru (KVP) pada Pekerja Bagian Pengamplasan di Industri Meubel PT. Kota Jati Furindo di Desa Suwawal Kecamatan Mlonggo Kabopaten Jepara.

The Correlation between the Period of Work and the Disturbance of Lunges’ Vital  Capacity (LVC) on the Workers of Scouring Section in the Furniture Industry PT. Kota Jati Furindo in Sumawal Village, Subdistrict of Mlonggo, Jepara Regency. 

Keywords : the Period of Work and Lunges’ Vital Capacity (LVC) 

Wooden furniture industrial workers have a big risk for the accumulation of dust on their respiration’s gutter. Absorption from the wooden dust’s particles occurs only through lunges by the way of  the respiration’s mechanism. Furniture’s industrial environment which contains a lot of dust can cause
many diseases especially which are related to the lunges. The problem that is analyzed in the study is whether any corrleation between the period of work and the disturbance of Lunges’ Vital Capacity (LVC) on the workers of scouring section in the furniture industry PT. Kota Jati Furindo in Sumawal village, subdistrict of Mlonggo, Jepara regency. The aim of the study is to find out whether any and how much the correlation between the period of work and the disturbance of Lunges’ Vital Capacity (LVC) on the workers of scouring section in furniture industry PT. Kota Jati Furindo in Sumawal village, subdistrict of Mlonggo, Jepara regency.  Kind of this research is an explanatory research by using cross sectional approach. The population in this research is  the furniture’s workers in PT. Kota Jati Furindo, especially in the scouring section. The technique in collecting the samples was by means of restriction and it got a number of 31 respondents. The instruments in this research were questionnaire, hutchinson’s spirometer, weight scales, and microtoice. The primary data were collected by means of observation, interview, and measuring lunges’ vital capacity. While the secondary data were gained from the company’s documents of PT. Kota Jati Furindo. The process of analyzing the data was conducted univariately and bivariately (using fisher’s test p value was less than α(0.05)). From the data analysis, based on the period of work, it was obtained that 16.1% respondents have a new period of work, 48.4% respondents have a medium period of work, and 35,5% have a long period of work. From the result of the research toward the lunges’ vital capacity’s examination, it got 22.6% normal respondents, 25.8 respondents suffer from a low degree restriction, 41.8% suffer from a medium degree restriction, and 9.7% suffer from a high degree restriction. Meanwhile, from the statistical examination, it gained p value amounted to 0.018.   From the data analysis and disscussion, it can be concluded that there is a significant correlation between the period of work and the disturbance of lunges’ vital capacity on the workers of scouring section in furniture industry PT. Kota Jati Furindo in Sumawal village, subdistrict of Mlonggo, Jepara regency. For the company, it is suggested to do rolling or job shift. For those who have worked for a long time in the scouring section to turn into a section whose lower degree of dust. If it is possible, the company should do periodical check up toward the workers to get the information of their physical health’s status as early as possible. For the workers of scouring section, they are suggested to use the exhalation’s protector well. 

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