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(An Analysis on The Management Process Of Human Resources In Health Department of Konawe Regency)


This Research aims to analyze the implementation of management process of human resources viewed from planning, recruitment, seletion, socialization, training development, evaluation, performance and giving promotion system in Health Department of Konawe Regency.

This research was a qualitative study using histography design. The informants were structural officials of Health Department of Konawe Regency consisting of 19 people. The data were obtained through in-depth interview. To determine the truth level of qualitative data, the validity of data was done using triangulation technuque of sources of data, method and theory.
The results show that the planning of health human resources in Health Department of Konawe Regency does not fulfill the requirements from the aspects of quantity, type and education qualification, recruitment of health human resources which are done through public way and use data base in which in the determinant is BKD. However, they do not fulfill the aspects of total, types and qualification of education needed. Besides, the selection of health human resources does not respond the analysis of job effectiveness and efficiency. The socialization of health human resources does not run anymore and is not implemented based on expectation, norm and job technical aspects. Development training is implemented based no need and job analyses of each participant through coordination with Provinces Level of Health Department. Evaluation of officials performances at Health Department of Konawe Regency is done by the leader using DP3 indicator but it’s evaluation elements are still subjective and officials promotion is coordinated to Baperjakat which is adjusted to officials rank and education.


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