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Download KTI Kebidanan-Pengetahuan Wanita Pekerja Seks Komersial tentang Pap Smear Test


Commercial sex worker was one of the deviation behavior in society was the behavior which was not successful to adjust   her self with society desire or certain group in the society. Seeing from the activity which often changed the partner had the high risk of having cervix cancer. Early cell detect represented the early step to avoid the appear of cervix cancer. That was by pap smear screening. It was not only effective the detect the cervix cancer also but also the change of cervix cell which was suspected to arise cancer. Even though they awared that the test saved the soul but they still disliked to do pap smear screening. This case made the researcher was interest to know the feature of women knowledge of the commercial sex workers about pap smear screening. The observation purpose was to know  the feature of women knowledge of the commercial sex workers about pap smear screening in the Eks Localization Semampir village Kediri town. The observation design which was used was the descriptive observation,the instrument wich was used was questionare.The sampling  technique was used was the quota sampling with the number of sample was 133 respondents. Data which was obtained was tabulated by giving score then it was percentaged. The observation result which was  done from July 13 up to 20, 2008 was obtained the women knowledge of the commercial sex worker about pap smear screening was gotten that those who had the good knowledge 64 people (47%) enough knowledge 64 people (48%) and less knowledge 6 people (5%).  Thus, the Women knowledge of the  commercial sex workers about pap smear screening, the majority was enough.  Therefore, it was hoped to society figure in order to increase the consciousness of her / his society more to do pap smear screening by motivating and supporting them to do.

Key word : Knowledge, Commercial Sex Workers Women, Pap Smear

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